Sign of the times

From the UV-5R group, which I accidentally visited (URL was still in by browser history):

HI guys! 🙂 my BF URV-5 just arrived, and to be honest..i dont know where to
start, too lazy to read the manual, and the only thing i was able to work was
the fm and flaslight! heheh hope to learn from you guys soon!


5 comments on “Sign of the times

  1. Another famous one is “Hey I searched all through this thread and I don’t see any mention of my problem” (which was mentioned 2 posts below)

    There should be a definite pass/fail option on the HAM test in the future.
    “You have a problem with a radio you have bought, or are building. How do you go about resolving this?”

    A) Bother people on every forum you can find
    B) Just dump it and go back to playing angry birds
    C) Research everything you can find, solve the problem and learn a lot in the process and share what you have learned with other amateurs.

    Seriously, there should be some test for ‘ham spirit’.

  2. Yeah but it’s also a failure or a missing link between the group of noobs who buy these Baofengs (for PMR?) and licensed hams (in the EU) who could push this forward.

    Now imagine the same scenario with shortwave transmitters. OMG…

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