Just couldn’t resist sharing this.

My Spiral-bound Notebook


Dad was always searching for the next big thing to occupy his spare time. You have to admire a guy who didn’t let eight kids get in the way of having fun or fulfilling dreams.  A new motorcycle would show up in the garage right after he sold the old one, or when he finally bought an airplane with a partner, my mother would sigh and say “Your father needs toys.”  I would nod and think, “Who doesn’t like toys?”

I conjure Dad in my mind:  tall, blond, with hands jammed down in pockets and weight slung to one hip.  His voice was a tad on the soft side, ears a bit on the long. He had a quick temper that would scare the hell out of anyone, but the guy could not hold a grudge for long, for which I was grateful when in highschool I drove our Plymouth station wagon…

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